Let's Talk About 'Branding'

Should Porn Stars Discuss Politics and Religion?

Today I want to talk about branding. As a porn star, you are your brand. Because you are also a real person, that can sometimes get confusing. That’s why I want to take the time today and break it all down for you and go over the ins and out of building your brand.

If you performer under the name Kitty Comes, then Kitty Comes is your brand. Anything and everything to do with Kitty Comes affects your brand  — the good and the bad.

If you are in a movie for Brazzers and Brazzers promotes that movie which stars “Kitty Comes” then that helps you to build your brand. That’s a good thing.

But let’s say you go on social media and say I hate everyone who drives cars. They are murderers. That may be something you truly believe, but it could have a serious negative impact on your brand because you might have a lot of fans who drive cars and don’t appreciate being called a murderer because they don’t agree with that sentiment.

Now it’s your right to say what you want, this is true, but you have to remember there is a fine line between YOU (the person) and YOU (the brand). Pretending your real name is Jane – what Jane (you the real person) thinks doesn’t have to negatively affect your Kitty brand.

As a public figure, you have to learn to walk that fine line.

The girls I work with, I teach them the rule my mother taught me. In public, never discuss religion, politics, or abortion.

It’s been invaluable advice, and it’s why you’ll never see me on Facebook fighting about Trump. There is not a single person you can find. I assure you, you won’t find anyone who knows who I supported in the last presidential election. They don’t know because I don’t discuss it.

It’s my rule, and it should be yours as well.

I never discuss religion, politics, or abortion.

That doesn’t mean I shy away from subjects I’m passionate about like rape, performer abuse, or things like that. But I also know that for every stand I take on any subject matter, I risk alienating people.

For more than 20 years, I’ve worked as a performer advocate, speaking out against people who have taken advantage of and/or abused porn stars, including directors, agents, managers, and yes, even politicians.

While I’m proud of the things I’ve accomplished, it’s cost me a lot of relationships. I can’t tell you how many girls won’t even speak to me because I spoke out about something one of their friends or boyfriends has done.

I once defended a girl who had been brutally beaten up and raped on set. Yes, we had a police report, yes we had a witness. I fought hard to help her. She was raped by the director after the scene was over. The person who did this tried to use his influence in the industry to get me fired from a company I was working with.  When you speak out, you take the risk of a lot of heat coming your way. There is no easy way to fight battles without some blowback.

I can’t tell you seriously how many performers right now have me blocked on Twitter because I spoke out about an injustice – often times a crime that was committed by one of their friends.

Of course, many times, some of those girls who have previously blocked me ran to me for help when they wanted me to out their shitty ex-boyfriend, but that’s another story for another day. 🙂

The point is this, IF you are going to take a stand on anything, it will potentially cost you and your brand. So always think carefully about it.

Dolly Parton once famously said, “I learned a long time ago, keep your damn mouth shut if you want to stay in show business. … I’m not in politics, I’m an entertainer.”

It’s a lesson she learned long ago. The only way not to offend people and potentially hurt your brand or, even worse, harm your brand irreparably is to avoid those hot button subjects altogether.

Kitty Comes (your brand) is a fantasy. She’s not a real person. YOU are the real person. And while it may be tempting to speak out about something that bothers you, like politics, sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself, are you SURE this is the right thing for Kitty Comes? Or is this something I’m concerned about personally?

Yes, there is a fine line, but if you want to grow your brand, then you’ll need to learn to walk. it.

All of that being said, you can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. But if you do, you also have to be willing to accept the consequences of those actions. Be prepared to offend people. Be prepared to have people not like you anymore. Be prepared to have companies not want to work with you. Those are the harsh realities and why I always advise every girl I work with to think long and hard about HER vs. HER BRAND.

Always do what it takes to grow your brand. Then use that huge, fabulous brand you have to make all the money in the world. Retire early, then spend the rest of your days on your passion projects (as a person) once your “brand” is retired.

By then, you can afford to do anything and everything you want, and consequences be damned, you’re retired and living on easy street.


Should Porn Stars Discuss Politics and Religion?