A Walk in the Woods

A Walk in the Woods – My Book Cover Revealed

I’ve never been a person who does well with sitting ideally by in between projects. So lately I’ve been putting the finishing touches on an erotic fiction novel called A Walk in the Woods.

The story is about a married couple named Richard and Elana. They are planning a road trip down historic route 66 and then a week long camping trip at Palo Duro Canyon State Park. They call it the Grand Canyon of Texas, which is 30,000 acres of canyon carved out over the last million years. They couple will be going on their trip with friends Trevor and Samantha. Samantha works with Elana. Trevor they’ve only recently met. He lives next door, recently renting out the spare room from their neighbors.


The book will be released in a few weeks and will be available as both paperback and an e-book in the popular formats including Amazon Kindle, Barns and Noble’s Nook format and through Google play. The book will fall under the Fiction / Romance / Erotic Fiction category.

I’ll have more information on the release of the book in the near future but for now I have the cover graphic.  What do you think?

This book will be available from Amazon first as an eBook, then about a week later on paperback, then within a few weeks later on iTunes and Barnes and Noble, etc. … it takes a long time to get it at the other stores. Amazon however is crazy fast. I’m really impressed with their speed. Anywho … You can check it out at Amazon by clicking here.


Old cover – the rough draft of the old cover that is

A Walk in the Woods by Kelli Roberts

A Walk in the Woods – My Book Cover Revealed