Write an eBook

A Secret To Making Some Money on the Side

So you’ve worked hard, created a fabulous website or two or ten and now your sites are finally getting some traffic, great. But now what? Some of the affiliate programs you signed up with have been sucking balls. That happens and luckily there are thousands more to choose from. But there are other alternatives.

Sure not meant to be a single source of revenue, but if done right, it could bring in a pretty penny.

Many years ago there was a man named Don Lapre, who was infamous for his infomercials. In 1992, he began marketing a money making secrets program which long and short of it was, put together a packet of information that people wanted. It didn’t really matter what that information was, as long as someone could find use of it. He then would market those in the classified ads of his local newspaper for sale. He found a booklet that worked, then fine tuned a classified ad that also worked. That single classified ad didn’t need to make him a lot of money, just show a profit. And when he found that right ad he would then blast that same classified ad in not just that one newspaper but hundreds or even thousands. So now instead of making a little bit of money from one single ad, he was making a little bit of money from a whole hell of a lot of them. His first one that the was offering was a 36-page booklet explaining how to recover a Federal Housing Administration insurance refund after paying off a home mortgage.

To be clear Don Lapre was a scam artist who would go on to lie, cheat and scam a whole hell of a lot of people out of millions of dollars before eventually killing himself. But that isn’t really the point of this story. What he turned into doesn’t mean his original original, basic concept didn’t have some merit and if done right, could mean a lot of extra pocket money for you.

Times have changed since the days of Don Lapre. Now instead of producing a little booklet or pamphlet of information, with technology anyone can produce an eBook with ease.

The title of this article is “A Secret To Making Some Money on the Side“. I call it a secret because in the adult industry, it really seems to be. But not in mainstream. Oh heck no. In mainstream it’s extremely common. It’s insane how many people in mainstream are pumping out these little e-books with gems of helpful information on every single topic you can think of and then some.

One lady wrote a little eBook about herbs and that will reduce the effects of aging, while another guy wrote one about some tricks and tips he learned about buying fishing lures. Another book is about dog shows and another 300 or so about all kinds of technology related issues including secrets to blogging, and so on. Really what you write about doesn’t matter. All that you need to worry about is if the information you provide is actually honest and of use to someone. The better your eBook is, the more money you will probably make so do keep that in mind, but don’t obsess about it having to be the best ever. It’s a stupid little eBook. You aren’t exactly writing a Pulitzer prize winning novel.

Now when you create your eBook and publish through Amazon, you can then make money by promoting it from your websites. So now you can take some of that traffic you’ve been building off and siphon it off and send it that way.

If you have horrible grammar or can’t spell, don’t worry. There are very simple alternatives. The first thing you want to do is complete your book. What the subject matter is or how long it is, well that’s up to you. Write a book about porn and astrology or food that is proven to really make you horny not just the old wives tales out there. Write a book with tips on how to pick up porn stars or women in Vegas.

Once you’ve done that I will tell you the best secret someone ever told me about editing …. LISTEN. Download a TTS (text to speech) program on your iphone. The one I use is called Voice Dream. I like it because it has a bunch of voice options and lets me download files from my Google drive. There however are a bazillion TTS apps out there, so just pick whatever one you like best. Now download your completed manuscript, close your eyes and just listen to it being read back to you. Hearing your words read back to you will help you find really stupid mistakes you didn’t even realize you had made. Fix those and you are on to your final editing step.

Now go to a site like Grammarly. You don’t want to miss this step, trust me on that one. Grammarly is an automated proofreader and a must have for anyone looking to release an eBook. But it’s more than just a spell checker like you find in your word processing programs. It checks your spelling, grammar and even checks it against a really in-depth database for possible signs of plagiarism. You don’t want to release your eBook without first running it through a check with this website.Grammarly

Grammarly will take what you’ve done and help you improve it and make it ready for release. If you really wanted to get all fancy you could take the next step and hire an editor from sites like Freelancer or ODesk or hell even Fiverr, but those options can be expensive. It runs about $5 per 3000 words on Fiverr and about $.01 a word on sites like FreeLancer or ODesk. Just keep in mind that you want to work on a budget. This isn’t a project that is going to get a big return on your investment if you start spending a lot of money. A site like Grammarly will keep your big spelling and grammar mistakes in check so that should be enough to publish your eBook, get it on Amazon and start pushing traffic to it from your websites.

If you aren’t sure about using the automated book cover creator you can go to a site like graphicriver.net, search “flyer” and just use one of those templates. You can license pretty girl photos from a variety of sources including shutterstock.com, photodune.com, or for adult industry specific images check out adult film star content.




A Secret To Making Some Money on the Side